Gluten-Free Breakfast Pancake
Gluten-free | Whole food | Plant-Based | Vegan | Soy-free | Nut-free
- English Below -
提供份數:約3-4人 |備料時間:10分鐘 |製作時間:15分鐘 |製作難易度:*
- 香蕉兩根 ( 280g)
- 杏仁粉 50 g
- 白米粉 30g
- 樹薯粉 20g
- 燕麥片 50 g
- 小米 50 g
- 蕎麥 50 g
- 純淨水 200 ml
- 檸檬汁 1 Tbsp
- 小蘇打粉 1⁄4 tsp
- 將小米和蕎麥一起洗淨,瀝乾備用。
- 將所有的材料:香蕉、燕麥、洗淨的蕎麥和小米、杏仁粉、白米粉、樹薯粉、純淨水、檸檬汁和加入你的高速果汁機(破壁機)。啟動機器後,由慢速轉至高速,將所有的內容物攪打至綿密。(先不要加入小蘇打粉)
- 當所有材料已經接近細緻綿密的時候,讓機器維持運轉,同時加入小蘇打粉,透過機器的運作讓小蘇打粉與鬆餅漿完美混合。
- 將你的鍋具充份加熱後,轉至中小火,倒入鬆餅漿,享受煎鬆餅的過程!
- Bon appetit!
- 不同的火源、鍋具和你選擇倒入的鬆餅漿份量,都將會決定要煎鬆餅的時間和程度,所以發揮你的覺察力和好奇心,找出你最完美的煎鬆餅節奏!
- 鬆餅漿入鍋時,鍋具的溫度需要高,可以啟動小蘇打粉在鬆餅漿中的作用,讓鬆餅澎鬆。但是煎熟的過程請維持中至小火,以免下方已經焦黑,但是上方還無法定型的情況。
- 煎鬆餅的過程,觀察表面開始慢慢平均起泡、部分定型,並且確定翻動時表面的漿液不會滑動的情況時,就可以翻面了。
The aroma of pancakes always brings back the flavors of my childhood.
When I was little, my parents divorced, and I was raised by my grandmother before I started school. I only had the chance to see my mom on certain weekends.
Back then, my mom ran a very unique coffee shop. Whenever she would take me to spend time with her, she was still busy working at the shop, so I would spend the entire day there until she finished work.
I remember chatting with the café staff in the kitchen, where they were always making pancakes and preparing coffee. If I was lucky, I would get a few extra-cooked pancakes—those were such happy moments. To me, pancakes are more than just food; they bring back precious memories of time spent with my mom during my childhood.
Creating My Gluten-Free Vegan Pancake Recipe
Starting a whole food plant-based and gluten-free diet was a completely new challenge for me. At first, I felt very frustrated. Changing my eating habits meant not only giving up certain ingredients but also relearning how to cook and season my food. My favorite pancake recipe was no exception; I needed to find substitutes for flour and dairy, and adjust the ratios to ensure the pancakes remained fluffy and delicious.
Throughout the process, I failed countless times. The pancakes I made were often too hard, too dry, or sometimes completely inedible. But each failure brought me closer to success. After many trials and adjustments, I finally found the perfect recipe that is both vegan and gluten-free, yet still delicious! This journey taught me patience and innovation and reignited my passion for cooking. Every time I make pancakes now, I not only enjoy the taste but also feel a hard-earned sense of accomplishment. I'm sharing it with you, hoping you'll enjoy it too.